Comrade Don Critchley
It is with deep sadness to announce that Comrade Don Critchley, former District K Commander, has passed on only days after attending our District K Spring Convention 2016.
He suffered a stroke while visiting his son in Sault Ste-Marie. He was a fun loving man and cared a lot about people. He was always willing to help and has been a Legion member through and through. He will be missed.
A message from his Branch 287 South Porcupine:
There will be a gathering at the Legion to celebrate Don's life from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm on May 10th (Tuesday). We will be giving Don a Legion service at 4:00pm. Brenda Critchly has contacted Reverend Gillson who will be performing a service at 3:00 pm at St. Pauls. The Reverend will also be acting as our Padre for the Legion Service. We will discuss everything again on the weekend prior to the service.
Ross and Jim